Co-designed and co-delivered by multicultural young people.

In this unique partnership, youth mental health expertise and lived experience are brought together in a multi-pronged, preventative mental health initiative.

REVERB 2.0 embeds multicultural lived experience to address stigma, build cultural responsiveness, and increase young people’s confidence to seek support.

Why it matters

  • Multicultural young people are under-represented in Australia’s youth mental health services.
  • Many multicultural young people experience the mental health service system as failing to be culturally safe or relevant to their lives.
  • headspace services have requested support to enhance culturally responsive practice, to ensure that staff work effectively with multicultural young people and their families.

In this unique partnership between CMY, headspace and young people, expertise in working in multicultural communities, youth mental health and lived experience is brought together to create a lasting impact.


Youth Advocates

Multicultural young people aged 18-30 with lived experience of mental health challenges, will receive training in how to create and deliver mental health workshops.

Through this program, young people will bring experience in intersectional lived experience, receive training in mental health first aid, co-design, facilitation, safe storytelling, and community engagement.

Centre for Multicultural Youth

CMY are experts in Youth Engagement who provide support to Youth Advocates and act as a connector between Youth Advocates and headspace in co-design and co-delivery.

CMY’s role encourages meaningful engagement with Youth Advocates and equips headspace centres and schools with support to ensure the project meets the needs and serves as best practice.


Multicultural young people and family members/caregivers, Community members, and Education staff form part of this cohort.

The program reduces stigma of mental health challenges in multicultural communities and instills confidence in young people to access mental health and wellbeing support, with an increased awareness of staff and services.


headspace provides expertise in Youth Mental Health and a commitment to providing better support and services to young people from refugee and migrant backgrounds.

The program will offer co-designed capacity building workshops for headspace centre staff and community, to ensure young people receive culturally-responsive support and services.

How it works

REVERB 2.0 aims to ensure lasting impact for multicultural communities by enhancing access to culturally safe mental health and wellbeing supports.

The program is co-designed and co-delivered by multicultural young people, CMY and headspace, across Victoria and nationally.

The program is focusing on two areas for 2024:

Wellbeing Workshops for Young People

  • A free 3-tiered program of workshops for high school students.
  • Workshops are co-designed and delivered by young people with lived experience, therefore more relatable to the young people and their experiences.
  • Workshops aim to address stigma and increase understanding of mental health and wellbeing, using peer-to-peer strength to build confidence, and providing practical skills and approaches to help-seeking behaviours.

Culturally Responsive Professional Development Workshops

  • Aim to deliver culturally responsive professional development to build understanding of effectively engaging multicultural young people in mental health.
  • Workshops are co-designed and delivered by young people.
  • 3-tiered program of workshops.

Contact us

For further details, please contact:

Reverb Project Lead, Jess Case
E | jcase@cmy.net.au
M | 0448 406 677