We use a combination of outreach, one-to-one specialist case management and group work to support and empower young people who are at risk, to overcome challenges they face, build connections in their local community, and settle well in Australia.
We offer tools, linkages and pathways to support young people to overcome a range of barriers including:
- understanding the migration system
- registering with essential services
- accessing health and mental health services
- comprehending Australian social systems
- accessing education, training and employment pathways
- linking into sport and recreation opportunities
- dealing with family issues
- accessing accommodation and housing support
- navigating financial or legal difficulties
- accessing material aid
Our programs
Employment Empowers
We understand that finding a job here can be difficult for lots of reasons. Some employers want you to have work experience in Australia, and the Australian workplace can be hard to understand.
Employment Empowers connects newly-arrived young people from migrant or refugee backgrounds with volunteer mentors who are able to support you to find work.
Le Mana Pasifika Project
The ‘Le Mana’ (Empower) Pasifika Project is helping to build connected communities and a sense of belonging for Pasifika young people in Victoria. The Le Mana team supports Pasifika youth in a range of settings, focusing on the South East of Melbourne (Casey & Dandenong) and the city’s West (Wyndham & Brimbank). The project catchment includes young people who live outside the Local Government Areas but who travel into the areas for study, work, play, or connections with family and community. Find out more.
Navigator is aimed at high school students in the South East region of Melbourne with 70% or less non-attendance at school. The program provides intensive case management, builds relationships with schools, advocates, offers restorative practices and assertive outreach to support disengaged learners and their families. Contact our South East Program Manager for more info.
Reconnect offers support for multicultural young people aged 12-21 who have been in Australia for less than five years who may be at risk of homelessness. The program is delivered across the Cities of Greater Dandenong and Casey in the South East and the Cities of Brimbank, Hume, Moonee Valley and Wyndham in the North West, which are some of the most diverse and fastest growing areas of metropolitan Melbourne. Fill out a referral form for CMY’s Reconnect program.
In partnership with CMY and Melbourne City Mission (MCM), Restart works with young people who are using violence in the home. The program aims to reduce harm, support change and improve safety and connection within the family. Restart practitioners will work young people in a flexible and responsive way to promote change, support healing and strengthen family relationships.
The Restart program is for Young people living at home, aged between 12-17 years, living in the Brimbank/Melton area.
South Sudanese Community Support Groups
CMY is the auspice organisation for two Community Support Groups, funded by the Victorian Government. These groups, covering Melton/Brimbank and Dandenong/Casey, aim to strengthen youth engagement in South Sudanese communities and to ensure that young people and their families are linked into activities and services in their areas. Find out more.
Supporting Multicultural and Multifaith Young People and Families (AVITH)*
In partnership with CMY and Drummond Street Services, the AVITH program understands the complexities of family dynamics and the challenges faced by both young people and parents in navigating family interactions and challenges, offering a supportive and inclusive environment where everyone’s voice is heard and respected.
Our Multicultural/Multifaith workers support young people with:
- Understanding and managing emotions
- Building positive relationships
- Safe and confidential space
- Tailored support
This service supports multi-cultural/multi faith families in north and west Melbourne, with a particular focus in the Wyndham and public housing areas of inner city Melbourne. This program is funded by the State Government of Victoria.
*AVITH. Adolescent Violence in the Home.
The Ucan2 program aims to facilitate and support the social inclusion of newly-arrived young people from refugee and migrant backgrounds (16 – 25 years) with the support of committed and passionate volunteers. Find out more.