Make a difference as a business.

Applications for 2023 now open in VIC, ACT, TAS & WA.

Seat at the Table (SAT) will provide an exciting leadership opportunity for young women from refugee and migrant backgrounds.

SAT features a 10-month Leadership Immersion Program, which includes:

  • Observership Placement on a business Board or Committee, offering young women real life experience in and exposure to the world of leadership, strategic planning and decision-making
  • Facilitated training program on governance, finance, risk management, effective communication and other core areas of leadership, where participants will learn from guest speakers, each other and experienced facilitators from The Leadership Centre and CMY

CMY is partnering with Multicultural Youth Advocacy Network (MYAN) and our state and territory partners to deliver the Seat at the Table program in Victoria, the Australian Capital Territory, Tasmania and Western Australia.   

We are very pleased to be part of the Seat at the Table Program. Boards need to reflect the diversity of the communities they serve. Having two SAT observers on our Board is building the capacity of young women to participate in governance roles. It is also providing our Board with new and valuable perspectives. I’d definitely recommend the SAT program to other community organisations.

Rebecca Smith, Manager at Kensington Neighbourhood House

Interested and want more information?

You can:

  • Continue reading for more info and submit your Expression of Interest using the form below or,
  • Speak with Jess Case, Senior Project Officer (jcase@cmy.net.au or 0475 400 883) to discuss if this is the right opportunity for your business and find out how CMY can support your objectives

What is involved for my business?

SAT invites businesses and organisations, with an established Board/Committee, who are looking to provide meaningful opportunity to a young women to advance their careers.

  • Your business will offer 1-2 young women the rare opportunity of an Observership Placement on your Board/Committee.
  • You will be asked appoint an existing Board member as Board Contact to help facilitate the placement for a young woman from refugee and migrant backgrounds participating in the Leadership Immersion Program. This may include meeting briefings and debriefing.
  • The placement will be expected to run from March to December, 2023.

CMY will provide ongoing support for the young women and your business, with experienced staff in leadership recruitment and free trainings available to Board members or other key personnel.

Who is involved?

CMY is looking for businesses, companies, organisations and associations from traditionally male-dominated industries, including the sports sector, but we are open to expression of interests from any business looking to support young women in their leadership aspirations.

This is a perfect opportunity for such businesses to meet their diversity and inclusion goals with support from a well-known and trusted organisation, such as CMY, whilst providing meaningful opportunities to young women looking to advance their careers.

Young Women
SAT is targeting young women, aged 18-30 years of age from refugee and migrant backgrounds looking to advance their leadership and governance understanding, skills and experiences.

The young women will be engaged through an inclusive, and comprehensive, selection process and placed on Boards according to their area of interest, career aspirations and learning objectives.

CMY is partnering with Multicultural Youth Advocacy Network (MYAN) and our state and territory partners to deliver the Seat at the Table program in Victoria, the Australian Capital Territory, Tasmania and Western Australia.

What’s involved in the SAT Observership Placement?

Young women participating in SAT will be invited to observe a business’ Board or Committee meetings for the March – December duration (pending Board/Committee approval). This is an opportunity to experience real life strategic leadership discussions and decision making. The Observership Placement is designed to complement and build on the learnings obtained through the training component of the SAT Leadership Immersion Program.

The Business will appoint an existing Board member to act as a Board Contact. The Board Contact will be responsible for inviting 1-2 participants to the Board or Committee meetings held throughout the year. Prior to each meeting the Board Contact will provide to the participant(s) any useful documentation related to the meeting and offer a pre- meeting brief and post- meeting debrief for additional context and support.

The participant is expected to attend all Board meetings upon invitation from the Board Contact. The role of participant is a not a decision making role, it is an observation role, a learner role. The participant may however be invited by Board members to contribute to certain discussion points during the Board or Committee meetings.

What’s the process for my business to get involved?

Businesses and Organisations who are interested in providing an Observership Placement need to complete Expression of Interest Form below.

You will receive a call from the Senior Project Officer to further discuss your interest.

Businesses that can provide a supportive opportunity in line with the expectations, values and purpose of the Seat at the Table project, will be:

  • Provided with further detail and timelines for the program
  • *Matched, and will meet with participating young women in February/March 2023.
  • Agree to and sign a memorandum of understanding with CMY and the participating young women.

*Successful young applicants will be matched by CMY to a participating Business or Organisation for the Observership component of SAT. These decisions will consider various factors including the young woman’s accessibility needs, career and learning objectives and areas of interests.

Seat at the Table Expression of Interest Form

If your business or organisation is interested in offering an Observership Placement for a young woman of refugee or migrant background, please complete the details below. Alternatively, you can call Jess Case, Senior Project Officer, on 0475 400 883 to discuss.

  • Business or Organisation contact person

For more information, contact

Jess Case | Senior Project Officer
E | jcase@cmy.net.au
M | 0475 400 883)