Volunteer and Coordinator Support
Our team publishes a wide range of training, events and resources for both coordinators and volunteers of Learning Support Programs to ensure a successful program. Access our wide range of training, events and resources below.
Contact us if you can’t find what you’re looking for, and we’ll be happy to help.
Training and Events
CMY offer free training for coordinators and volunteers working in Learning Support Programs, including free training, special events, workshops and networking sessions that are also scheduled throughout the year.
Learn more about Training and Events.
Our Learning Beyond the Bell team publishes a wide range of tip sheets, samples and templates for both coordinators and volunteers of Learning Support Programs.
The LBB Hub
The LBB Hub is the home of a wide range of Learning Support Programs resources, training, content and community.
It is a great place for coordinators and volunteers to find further, in-depth support and training for their Learning Support Programs, as well as place to connect with others in the sector, share ideas and collaborate.
Find a Program
There are over 365 Learning Support Programs. Find a program near you.
Find a Learning Support Program
Volunteers play an important role in Learning Support Programs. They tutor students in literacy, numeracy and study skills, and help to build confidence, self-esteem and feelings of connection to their school and wider community.
If you are interested in finding a program near you or want to find other programs in your area to connect with, check out the map below. If you are interested in volunteering in a Learning Support Program, please contact the club directly.