CEO Message: CMY’s Reflect Reconciliation Action Plan
Last week we had the pleasure of receiving formal endorsement of CMY’s inaugural Reflect Reconciliation Action Plan (RAP) by Reconciliation Australia, and we are now delighted to share this important piece of work.
CMY’s Reflect RAP was developed in recognition of our commitment to creating an Australia in which Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples’ rights to self-determination, culture and land are celebrated and respected throughout Australia.
While our services are targeted towards young people and families of multicultural backgrounds, we aim to build partnerships with Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people and are proud to demonstrate our commitment to embracing reconciliation by launching our first RAP, which provides a framework for CMY’s reconciliation initiatives.
We see our responsibility to work with Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples and help to strengthen connections between multicultural young people, communities, and Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples, to walk together and work together to address systemic issues of political and social exclusion, economic disadvantage, and health inequality.
CMY would like to thank Karen Milward – Yorta Yorta and Rob Hyatt – Gunnai/Kurnai and Wotjobaluk, for their support, guidance and wisdom in helping us develop our Reflect RAP. We would also like to thank Merindah-Gunya – Kirrae and Peek Wurrong artist, for the beautiful artwork created to represent CMY’s reconciliation journey, which features in our RAP.
Thank you to our Reconciliation Action Group 2021-2022 for your commitment to championing this work at CMY. Our RAP is an important step towards collaboration and unity between migrant and refugee communities, and First Nations peoples, and provides the opportunity to intentionally work together. We are excited to embark on this journey.