Offering young women a Seat at the Table
On September 9th, CMY’s Seat at the Table program held a networking event at Queen Victoria Women’s Centre. In recognition that networking plays a large role in supporting young women in their leadership journey, the event brought together young women and representatives from businesses across Victoria.

Seat at the Table features a 10-month Leadership Immersion Program to address the under-representation of young women from refugee and migrant backgrounds in leadership roles. Young women undergo leadership training and an Observership Placement on a Board or Committee.
The event drew attendees from within the program, along with partner businesses currently involved in Seat at the Table, including Barwon Water, CALD2LEAD, La Mama Theatre, Wellsprings for Women, Western Chances, Fitzroy Learning Network, Bubup Womindjeka Family and Children’s Centre, and Queen Victoria Women’s Centre.

Young female staff at CMY, CMY Board members and guest speakers who have been engaged in the Leadership and Governance workshops throughout the year, were also in attendance.
Samantha Ratnam, Leader of the Victorian Greens inspired the crowd as a keynote speaker, and Viv Nguyen, Chairperson of the Victorian Multicultural Commission, had everyone in tears with her speech.
We also heard from special guests and CMY Board members, Shelin David and Shabnam Safa, about their professional journeys in leadership and passion for CMY. The crowd was then given time to connect with each other and mingle.

CMY is grateful to all of the mentors and businesses who have generously given their time, wisdom and professional insights to our Seat at the Table participants over the course of the program.
In 2023, CMY is delighted to be partnering with Multicultural Youth Advocacy Network (MYAN) and our state and territory partners to expand the Seat at the Table program into other states.
Applications for Seat at the Table 2023 are now open to young women and businesses in Victoria, New South Wales, Tasmania and Western Australia. More info and apply here.