Culture Spring delivers the VicHealth Future Healthy Food Hubs project
Culture Spring has spent a year working with Australian Progress, the Difference Incubator, VicHealth, and seven organisations all across regional Victoria to deliver the VicHealth Future Healthy Food Hubs project.
We worked directly with 14 youth trainees funded by VicHealth stationed across seven different Food Hubs from Corryong to Mildura, creating a Youth Food Network allowing the trainees to connect, support one another, share stories, and hear about the experiences of guest speakers. These Food Hubs provide food relief, good nutritional produce to communities where it is needed most, and culturally important products that are hard to find elsewhere.
Food is more than just something we eat, it is cultivated by many hands, imbued in culture, and shared amongst communities. The VicHealth Future Healthy Food Hubs project is going to bring in a new group of 14 trainees for next year’s program, and we are so happy to be part of a project that brings young people directly into this work and establishes a youth-led space within.
This is the exact kind of work that Culture Spring is here to do, engaged in societal change through youth-led solutions and expanding opportunities for multicultural young people. We are proud to be engaged in this project.